Saturday, March 10, 2007

More Zombie Madness

DVD Booklet Cover (in jewel case)

Tray Card

Disc Face
Here is part of the art for a new DVD package Im working on for Gore Galore / My Pet Zombies. This stuff is awesome, check it out at Their business cards are toe tags... with a toe attached. So cool.

Here is a quick one for the Swashbucklers game. I've got lots more started. Hopefully I can get another one or two of these done this weekend. I also started the layout on the book. 72 pages with art as needed... so much to do. If only day-light savings time could just add an hour (or more) to the day.

1 comment:

Jim said...

So, are you watching a lot of Master and Commander these days?

Cool flick.

Great drawing.