Long time with out posting... I got the Illuminati cards from Steve Jackson Games in the mail yesterday. It is being release right now, in time for the elections, very appropriate. It features 20 little ink drawings of mine (and colorized by the staff at SJG) and the pack features my work exclusively. Very Cool. I also never posted the Untold art that I did a few months back. The art was for a card and ended up on the packaging as well.
Currently Im dorking out on some interior pieces for Rogue games and having a blast. It falls in line with Firefly and Battlestar Galactic which I have been watching recently. Im also wrapping up the first of two posters the Thomas Riley Trilogy by my friend Nick Valentino. The first book was lots of fun and I look forward to the next two. Im also hoping to update the website before years end too.
Time to go slave over that drawing board again....